Chrysactinia mexicana
Damianita this evergreen perennial grows 1-2’ high, spreads 1-2’, and produces
clusters of yellow flowers from April through October. Damianita’s small,
dark green leaves are highly aromatic. Primary bloom period is spring with
sporadic re-bloom often after a rain. To encourage bloom, lightly shear
after a bloom flush. Older plants can become woody. Highly drought
Planting Sites: Damianita prefers well-drained sand, loam, caliche or limestone soil, but grows in clay mixed with
crushed granite. Drainage is critical for survival.
Planting Instructions: Space plants 1’-2’ apart. Dig hole slightly larger than, but the same depth as the nursery
container. Carefully remove plant from container and gently loosen any compacted soil or roots around the root
ball. Plant at the same depth as the soil in the container. Mulch with crushed granite.
Watering Instructions: Water well after planting, using a root stimulator mixed according to directions. For about
3 months, water deeply when top 2 – 3” of soil is dry to promote deep roots that will withstand drought. Skip a
watering after a rainfall.
Comments: Excellent for rock gardens or areas with high heat, poor soil, and little moisture. Fertilizing,
good soil, and too much water will actually kill the plant. It basically thrives on benign neglect. Highly
deer resistant.
Planting and care instructions provided by the Lindheimer Chapters of the
Native Plant Society of Texas.