Minutes for Board of Directors Meeting Lindheimer Chapter NPSOT Feb. 28, 2023
Meeting start time: 9:40 AM, at TPML.
In attendance: President Joel Dunnington, President Elect Sara Torres (and Coordinator of Programs), Secretary Dick Bigelow, Treasurer Sara Torres, Director of Communications Bob Drake, Membership Coordinator Bev Willmann, Hospitality Coordinator Charlotte Wright. Sarah Mato. Quorum requirement was not met (4 officers and directors).
Not attending: Director of Plant Sales Debbie Kyrouac, Plant of the Month Coordinator Leon Dominick.
Secretary: Dick said that the By-laws state that vacant officer and director positions can be filled by a majority of the board.
President: Joel Dunnington :
- Requested that if anyone on the board was unhappy about anything to talk to him and give him a chance to resolve the issues.
- Should we send an email to the members asking if anyone wants to take over the jobs of Director of Formal Education and the Director of Outreach? Yes. The email will ask if they are interested in learning about and or volunteering for one of the open positions and stating there would be mentors available to help.
- Director of Formal Education (NLCP)- Joel will take over unless someone else would like to do this. He has changed Peggy’s name on the state NLCP website and on the NLCP registration site to his. He is not sure exactly what this job entails for the NLCP #1 Course scheduled for May 13, 2023. Apparently the NLCP tubs are in storage. What did Peggy do in coordinating the course? Any suggestions? There was a unanimous vote to approve Joel taking over the position and a discussion of what needed to be done.
- Director of Outreach– Sara Torres said she would take over the job of Outreach. Apparently the NICE Nursery signs have been delivered to the nurseries. Joel said that Ellen told him she would send him the points of contact for the nurseries, but he hasn’t seen them. Ellen’s boxes of information were delivered to the library and Sara Torres now has them. Joel has the Education poster boards at his house. We were worried about them in the storage shed. There was a unanimous vote to approve Sara Torres taking over the outreach position. Sara will send Joel the NICE contact information.
- Do we have a table at ACE and South Texas growers sometime in March? Yes, we will have a table at ACE on March 11th 9:30AM and at South Texas Growers on April 1st 9AM.
- Update on the Heart of Texas Documentary at the Brauntex 6:30 pm March 4, 2023- Setup will be at 5, we will have door prizes, there have been 230 tickets sold as of Feb. 24th, there was a discussion on logistics, Sara Torres is doing the financial transactions for the showing through our NPSOT account.
- Canyon Lake Ace Hardware 10am -2:00 pm. on 4/22/23- We need the tent and table. Who will attend and what will we have to display? Mike wanted someone who could talk on butterflies. This will be discussed at the next board meeting.
- Facebook- Who will take over managing the Facebook account? Who knows how to change administrators? Peggy’s email to Joel says Bob knows who to contact. Do we need to change the official Facebook “site” to a “page”. Bob said that he cannot find a contact for the lady that set up our site who has the administration authorization. Charlotte will contact Peggy to see if she if she wants to continue doing the site. If she doesn’t Joel will add this position to the email to the membership.
- Heritage Butterfly Garden- There is a grant outstanding. Peggy told Joel if we get it she will give it to Mickey. Peggy and Mickey will continue working in the butterfly garden. Peggy has a Code to the gate. Does anybody else? It was suggested that Mickey might.
- Heritage Dino Days- Plant sale and educational activities. Peggy sent Joel an email saying she would give Mickey the tubs. Joel is not sure what tubs these are. Charlotte has the tubs.
- Heritage Membership Meeting on March 29, 2023- Peggy emailed Joel that she had agreed to talk to the membership. He is not sure what she was supposed to talk about.Anybody know? Peggy and Mickey will give the talk to the Heritage meeting.
- Lindheimer Chapter Logo– Do we want to keep the current logo on the state site, go with the recently found Lindheimer Morning Glory Logo, or just a Lindheimer picture? We will keep the current logo.
- Joel will bring the education boards to the next board meeting to determine what we will keep.
- Joel is looking for a list of all plants that have Lindheimer’s name on them.
- There was discussion about who would take over the treasurers position. Dick moved that Sara Mato take over starting at the first board meeting in April, Bob seconded, approved unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:58 AM.
By Dick Bigelow, Secretary.