Minutes for Board of Directors Meeting Lindheimer Chapter NPSOT Feb. 28, 2023

Meeting start time:  9:40 AM, at TPML.

In attendance:  President Joel Dunnington, President Elect Sara Torres (and Coordinator of Programs), Secretary Dick Bigelow, Treasurer Sara Torres, Director of Communications Bob Drake, Membership Coordinator Bev Willmann, Hospitality Coordinator Charlotte Wright.  Sarah Mato.  Quorum requirement was not met (4 officers and directors).

Not attending:  Director of Plant Sales Debbie Kyrouac, Plant of the Month Coordinator Leon Dominick.

Secretary:  Dick said that the By-laws state that vacant officer and director positions can be filled by a majority of the board.

President:  Joel Dunnington :

Meeting was adjourned at 10:58 AM.

By Dick Bigelow, Secretary.