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Know Your Grasses, Rector, Winn and Colvin, Texas Agrilife Extension Service. 2003 the Book is 2015 Know Your Grasses ( Know Your Grasses (

Grasses of the Texas Hill Country- Loflin and Loflin, TAMU Press, 2006

Grasses, an Identification Guide, Brown, Lauren, Houghton Mifflin, 1979

Guide to Texas Grasses, Shaw, TAMU Press, 2012

Field Guide to Common Texas Grasses, Hatch, Umphries and Ardoin, TAMU Press, 2016

The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook: For Prairies, Savannas, and Woodlands (The Science and Practice of Ecological Restoration), Packard and Mutel, Island Press, 2005