The very first meeting of the NPSOT, Lindheimer Chapter, was held on September 12, 2000. David Will, a local Professional Landscaper, brought together the people who organized our chapter. David served on the Board several times and to this day is one of our most popular speakers.
The chapter name was chosen to honor Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer, whose 200th birthday was celebrated in the spring of 2001. Lindheimer helped to found the city of New Braunfels and was a world-renowned field botanist. Of the many plants named for Lindheimer, our members picked Lindheimer’s Morning Glory, Ipomoea lindheimeri, to represent the chapter.
The new chapter, under the leadership of the first President, Cindy Lawrey, drafted the by-laws, and began the traditions of great speakers, plant raffles, Plant of the Month, educational materials and refreshments at the meetings, plus field trips, and our annual fund raising plant sale at FolkFest in New Braunfels.
A detailed early history of the Lindheimer Chapter is recorded in the wonderful scrapbooks, which we display at our meetings.
Chapter Scapbook under construction