Minutes for Board of Directors Meeting Lindheimer Chapter NPSOT October 10, 2023
Meeting start time: Called to order by President Sara Torres at 9:31 AM, at TPML.
In attendance: President Sara Torres, Secretary Dick Bigelow, Director of Communications Bob Drake, Director of Plant Sales Debbie Kyrouac, Director of Formal Education Craig Bruska, Director of Community Outreach Marian Henderson (new), Membership Coordinator Bev Willmann. Quorum requirement was met (6 directors).
Not attending: Treasurer Sarah Mato (sick), Hospitality Coordinator Charlotte Wright, Plant of the Month Coordinator Leon Dominick.
Marian Henderson volunteered to be our Director of Outreach, welcome Marian!
Secretary’s Report: Dick Bigelow
Dick said that the August 8th 2023 Board meeting minutes had “Preliminary” removed on our web site, and the September 12th minutes had been posted as “Preliminary”. Craig moved that the September minutes be approved, Bev seconded, approved unanimously.
State NPSOT: Sara Torres:
- Said that for State Native Plant Week HEB initiative will put 4 native plants in 79 stores, that they will have seeds from Native American Seed in their stores, and they are sponsoring showing films.
- The State Board Meeting on November 4, 2023 is on Zoom.
- Said the Fall Symposium will be November 9th – 11th in Nacogdoches.
- Said the Spring Symposium is March 2, 2024, is at the LBJ Wildflower Center.
President’s Report: Sara Torres:
- Continue Board meetings at TPML, reserved through end of year. In 2024, evening Board meetings over Zoom at 6:30? We discussed also moving the meeting to the 1st Tuesday.
- Sara will write a post to be shared on the website and FB asking people to fill the vacancies on the board, they could come to the next board meeting to see what is happening.
- Should we make a donation to support the Fall Symposium? $200? Approved.
Treasurer’s report: Sarah Mato:
- Was not present, Sara Torres said we have Checking of $1,991.34 and Savings $2,088.17 as of 10/9/23.
- Gloria Cruz Glass memorial donation of a $30 tree from Castillo Funeral Home for approval. Should we also plant a tree with a plaque like we did for John Seimssen? After discussion Dick moved that we do the $30 through the Castillo Funeral Home, Craig seconded, unanimous approval.
- Sara T. said she would remove Joel from our bank account today.
Director of Communications: Bob Drake:
- Sara T. – We will need someone other than Joel to be a Facebook administrator. Ideally, 2-3 people, Debbie, Bev, and Sara T. are looking at becoming administrators.
- Articles about NLCP class and Plant Sale needed. Heritage group to send Bob their FB post. Bob said we need to be updating our MailChimp membership list, Bev will look at this.
- Bob discussed needing Microsoft 360 for the new laptop (which includes PowerPoint), for $38.97 a year. Dick moved that we approve this, Craig seconded, passed unanimously.
Membership: Bev Willmann:
We currently have 137 members.
Hospitality: Charlotte Wright:
- Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023 is confirmed for our Christmas party.
- Members should bring socks for donation to the shelter, the donation is separate from the White Elephant gift.
- Should we do a White Elephant exchange? Dick moved that we have a gardening gift with a $20 limit, Bev seconded, passed unanimously.
Director of Formal Education – Craig Bruska:
- State sent the NLCP rebates of $125.50 and expense reimbursement of $287.60.
- We need to decide early when the next NLCP class will be to get the room reserved early (reservations open in November).
- Craig, Debbie, and Leon will decide when the Spring NLCP class(es) will be, Craig is reworking the plans/schedules for NLCP classes. He wants to get more members trained to teach the classes (there are currently 4).
- Once NLCP I is set Craig will work with Headwaters to schedule the date for NLCP IV.
- Craig asked if anybody was interested in being on the State committee to evaluate research grants, Debbie volunteered.
- Craig is working with Susan Bogle to update the garden tour part of NLCP.
- Sara T. made a motion to give Angela Howard a scholarship to attend an NLCP class because she got sick during our class and State will not give her a refund. Craig seconded, passed unanimously.
Director of Community Outreach: Marian Henderson (Sara T. acting until today):
- HEB Initiative – information tables during Native Plant Week. Lindheimer is taking the lead for the Spring Branch store, the NB Chapter is taking the lead on the NB stores. Lindheimer to possibly have a table on Sunday, October 15th or Saturday, October 21st or maybe both? Signup Genius for 2-hour shifts? Will look at both to see how many people sign up. Sara T. sent an email Oct. 12th saying HEB had not been able to internally ok NPSOT chapters having tables so this will not be done.
- NICE! Plants for 2024 need to be chosen. Do we need a separate meeting? Choose plants that are commercially available and native to Comal or surrounding counties. Marian will look at this.
- Elizabeth Bowerman wants all of us to get together and hold more Xeriscape programs at other HOAs.
- Joel bought lots of seeds from NAS, and Sara printed labels, we can package seeds after the meeting. We did a lot of packaging after the meeting was over.
- Charlotte’s idea of publishing best ideas for growing natives. Perhaps post the question to our Facebooks page to collect more ideas?
- Marion asked if we should do a seed bank at the library, Bev said she had asked and Susan Bogle said they couldn’t do that, Marion will explore this with Susan.
- Sara T. said we might have a table Oct. 28th at the TPML Fall Festival.
Director of Plant Sales – Debbie Kyrouac:
- Grossed $1,868 at plant sale. Leftover plants went to Heritage Museum & Museum of TX Handmade Furniture. Expenses were about $600 so we made about $1,200.
Programs: Sara Torres (acting):
- October is seed exchange.
- Program ideas? Looking for a November speaker, several suggestions were made.
Demonstration Gardens:
Handmade Furniture Demo Garden: Craig Bruska:
October 11 (2nd Wednesday) 10 AM – 11:30 AM
October 26 (4th Thursday). 10 AM – 11:30 AM
November 8 (2nd Wednesday) 10 AM – 11:30 AM
December 13 (2nd Wednesday) 10 AM – 11:30 AM
Heritage Museum – Mickey Riviere & Peggy Haley.
Workday is the first Thursday of the month, 9:30 AM.
20 plants donated that weren’t sold at the plant sale were planted.
New Business.
None discussed.
President Sara Torres adjourned the meeting at 11:33 AM.
By Dick Bigelow, Secretary.