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Gregg Dalea

Dalea greggii

Plant Name: Gregg Dalea, Gregg’s Prairie Clover, Trailing Indigo Bush, Indigo Bush Dalea greggii

This plant is a good ground cover for rocky slopes and exposed sites in the Southwest. Grown chiefly for its foliage, but also gets covered with purple blooms in summer

Planting Sites: A useful ground cover in rocky areas challenged by thin soil difficult slopes or reflected heat.

Planting Instructions: Well-drained, dry granitic, sand, clay, loam, limestone, or gravelly soils with little organic content.

Watering Instructions: does not appreciate fertilizing and watering.

Comments: Flowers attract bees and butterflies. A larval plant for several butterfly species.

Planting and care instructions provided by the Lindheimer Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas