Winged Elm Tree

Ulmus alata

Plant Name: Winged Elm, Wahoo Elm, Cork Elm, Witch Elm Ulmus alata

Winged elm grows 30-40 ft. high with spreading branches that form a round-topped, oblong head. Opposite corky ridges occur on the branches in one plane. Dark-green leaves alternate, ovate, oblique, doubly serrate, acuminate, small. Leaves may turn dull yellow in fall. Fruit a samara, brown.

Planting Sites: Winged Elm prefers full to partial sun and moist to dry conditions, but it tolerates different soil types, including those that contain, loam, clay, sand, or rocky material. The fertility of the soil and moisture determine the ultimate size of this tree. Use regular pruning of young trees to eliminate multiple trunks.

Planting Instructions: Have 24-60 feet of available space to plant.

Watering Instructions: Water use Medium

Comments: Cover, Nesting site, Substrate-insectivorous birds, Seeds-granivorous birds, Seeds-Small mammals, Leaves-rabbit, Browse. Attracts Butterflies, Larval Host Wuestion Mark Butterfly.

Planting and care instructions provided by the Lindheimer Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas