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Twisted Leaf Yucca

Yucca rupicola

Plant Name: Twistleaf Yucca, Twisted-leaf Yucca, Texas Yucca, Spanish Dagger, Yucca rupicola

This yucca is often found growing under the filtered shade of mesquites and oaks. This petite, stemless yucca forms a low clump of bright green leaves which twist and turn. In the summer it produces 5-foot-tall, open spikes of creamy white flowers.

Planting Sites: Is great to plant in dry, shady spots and shaded rock gardens.

Planting Instructions: Plant in full sun to part shade, in well-drained soils.

Watering Instructions: Yuccas are highly sensitive to overwatering. Water your plant once a week during the spring and summer growing seasons, but ensure it has excellent drainage and dries out between waterings. Come winter, decrease your watering cadence to once every few weeks (or even less).

Comments: The white bell-shaped blossoms atop solitary flower spikes attract night-pollinating moths. The foliage is deer resistant, but they like to eat the blossoms.

Planting and care instructions provided by the Lindheimer Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas