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Eve's Necklace

Styphnolobium affine

Plant Name: Eve’s Necklace, Eve’s Necklacepod, Texas Sophora, Pink Sophora, Necklace Tree

Styphnolobium affine

A deciduous large shrub/small tree that can grow 15 – 30° tall. Fragrant, white tinged with roseflowers appear March- May. It producesseed pods that look like a blackstringof beads. Seeds are poisonous.

Planting Sites: Eve’s necklace is so named because this tree blooms clustered pink flowers that mature into black, bead-like strings of seeds. The planting site must be well-drained or it will get chlorotic. It grows from seed to 6 ft. in 3 years. This plant is most attractive when grown alone, as it becomes spindly in competition from larger plants. The flowers and seeds are poisonous.

Planting Instructions: Dig hole slightly larger than, but the same depth as the nursery container. Carefully remove plant from container and gently loosen any compacted soil or roots around the root ball. Plant at the same depth as the soil in the container. Add 2 to 3inches of mulch.

Watering Instructions: Water well after planting for about months. Do not overwater, once established the plant is very drought tolerant.

Comments: Eve’s necklace flowers attract bees, and the plant provides nesting sites for birds. Moderate deer resistance.

Planting and care instructions provided by the Lindheimer Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas