Turks Cap
Malvaviscus arboreus v. drummondii

Turks cap is a perennial that grows 2’-6’ tall. Its red flowers appear May through frost, with heaviest
bloom in the heat of summer. They are hummingbird magnets.
Planting Sites: Turks cap needs about 6’ of room to sprawl. It prefers partly shaded woodland sites but will thrive in full
sun and well-drained, sandy, loamy, clay, or limestone soils. Its leaves become rougher, smaller, darker, and puckered
in full sun.
Planting Instructions: Dig the hole slightly larger than, but the same depth as, the nursery container. Carefully remove
plant from container and gently loosen any compacted or circling roots around the root ball. Plant at the same depth
as the soil in the container. Add 2 to 3 inches of mulch.
Watering Instructions: Water well after planting, using a root stimulator mixed according to directions. To promote
deep roots that will withstand drought, water deeply whenever the soil has dried to a depth of an inch or two.
Comments: Flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies; fruits attract birds. Moderately deer resistant. Plants freeze
down in winter. Cut dead branches to ground in spring. Prune during growing season to maintain desired shape. Can
be mowed and used as a groundcover. Plant spreads by layering – limbs that touch the soil often develop roots.
Planting and care instructions provided by the
Lindheimer Chapters of the Native Plant Society of Texas