Lindheimer Muhly

Muhlenbergia lindheimeri

Lindheimer’s muhley is a bunchgrass with fine foliage and a fountain-like form. It grows 1’-5’ tall
and is a great substitute for Pampas grass because of its beautiful, arching seed heads that appear
in the fall. Can be used either in a grouping or as a specimen. Drought tolerant.

Planting Sites: As most grasses, Lindheimer’s muhly needs full sun. It grows in well-drained sand, loam, clay or
limestone soils.

Planting Instructions: Dig the hole slightly larger than, but the same depth as, the nursery container. Carefully remove
plant from container and gently loosen any compacted or circling roots around the root ball. Plant at the same depth
as the soil in the container. Add 2 to 3 inches of mulch.

Watering Instructions: Water well after planting, using a root stimulator mixed according to directions. To promote
deep roots that will withstand drought, water deeply whenever the soil has dried to a depth of an inch or two.

Comments: Leaves provide nesting material for birds. Highly deer resistant. In spring, break off flower stalks and use a
leaf rake to remove dead foliage. Do not cut back in winter.

Planting and care instructions provided by the
Lindheimer Chapters of the Native Plant Society of Texas