Lindheimer’s Gaura
Gaura Linheimeri

Lindheimer’s Gaura is perennial plant that grows 1’ -3’ tall. Its flowers
range in color from white to pink or red and appear from Feb. to Nov.
Plant’s long bloom stalks can sprawl and may need to be trimmed
occasionally for tidiness .
Planting Sites: Gaura grows best in well-drained, gravelly or loamy soil
in full or part sun. Blooms better in full sun.
Planting Instructions: Dig hole slightly larger than, but the same depth as the nursery container.
Carefully remove plant from container and gently loosen any compacted soil or roots around the root
ball. Plant at the same depth as the soil in the container. Add 2 to 3 inches of mulch.
Watering Instructions: Water well after planting, using a root stimulator mixed according to directions.
For about 3 months, water deeply when top 2 – 3” of soil is dry to promote deep roots that will
withstand drought. Skip a watering after a rainfall of ½” to 1”.
Comments: Attracts butterflies and is a nectar source for insects. Good ornamental plant for a meadow,
pocket prairie, flower garden, or wildflower meadow. Drought tolerant once established. Prune to 6” or
8” after a killing frost for a fuller plant in the spring.
Planting and care instructions provided by the
Lindheimer Chapters of the Native Plant Society of Texas