Fall Aster

Aster oblongifolium

Fall aster is a perennial that grows 2 -3′ tall. Its flowers are lavender/purple and form dazzling blankets of
color in the fall. Prune back no more than half the plant’s height in June to avoid sprawling branches and
open centers. Freezes to ground in winter; trim to the rosette at base of plant in early spring. Forms
clumps of baby plants around the outside of the base every spring; divide clumps every third year.

Planting Sites: Well-drained rocky, calcareous or sandy soils in full or part sun.
Planting Instructions: Space plants 2’A – 3′ apart. Dig hole slightly larger than, but the same depth as the nursery container. Carefully
remove plant from container and gently loosen any compacted soil or roots around the root ball. Plant at the same depth as the soil in
the container. Add 2 to 3 inches of mulch.

Watering Instructions: Water well after planting, using a root stimulator mixed according to directions. For about 3 months, water
deeply when top 2 – 3″ of soil is dry to promote deep roots that will withstand drought. Skip a watering after a rainfall of 34″ to 1″.
Once established, fall aster is very drought-tolerant.

Comments: Fall aster makes a wonderful border plant and puts on a dazzling display of flowers for several weeks. Its flowers attract
butterflies, and the dead plants left standing offer birds shelter and food in the winter.

Planting and care instructions provided by the
Lindheimer Chapters of the Native Plant Society of Texas.